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Importing a MySql Database

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You can import a MySQL database via phpMyAdmin which is available in the cPanel control panel. If you haven't yet created a database to import your database to and you are unsure how to do this, please read the following help article - Creating a MySql Database.
The first step is to log into your cPanel account. If you are unsure on how to do this, please view the following help article - 'How to log into cPanel'. alt text
Scroll down to the 'Databases' section and choose 'phpMyAdmin'. alt text
Once phpMyAdmin has loaded, from the left hand side, you should see your account name. Click on the '+' icon to expand the available databases on your account. alt text
Choose the database that you wish to import your database to from the same left hand side menu. alt text
Once the database has loaded, select the 'Import' menu option from the top navigation. alt text
In the 'File to Import section, select 'Choose File..' and locate the database file on your system.
Please note - there is a maximum file size limit but this will be shown next to the 'Browse..' section. You may need also to customise the rest of the options in this section depending on what you are intending to import and the file format.
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Once the file to be imported has been chosen (and any other options configured), select the 'Go' to start the import. alt text
Once the database import is complete, in our case a new table has been imported, you should see the available table on the left hand side. If you are importing data to a table that already exists, select your table and review the records. alt text Importing a MySQL database via phpMyAdmin is now complete.

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