You can export a MySQL database via phpMyAdmin, available in cPanel, if you want to keep a backup of your records yourself or move the data (or structure) to another database.
The first step is to log into your cPanel account. If you are unsure on how to do this, please view the following help article - '
How to log into cPanel'.
Scroll down to the '
Databases' section and choose '
Once phpMyAdmin has loaded, from the left hand side, you should see your account name. Click on the '+' icon to expand the available databases on your account.
Choose the database that you wish to import your database to from the same left hand side menu.
Once the database has loaded, select the '
Export' menu option from the top navigation.
You can choose either
Quick or
Custom as an export method and then choose the export format -
SQL format is selected by default.
- Quick - selecting the quick export method is recommended for the average user. This will generate a default dump of your database if you are looking to cover all the bases.
- Custom - selecting the custom export will provide several more options that more advanced users may require such as database choice, specify the output (filename / compression), format specifics (comments, foreign key checks, structure and/or data dumps), object creation options (add statements) and data dump options (insert delayed / ignore statements, update or replace, syntax, max query lengths, further dump requirements).
Once you have chosen your export method (and made any other specifications), select the '
Go' button.
The process will start the export which will be downloaded via your web browser - you may be prompted to save this file depending on your web browser type. Depending on the size of your database, this may take a few minutes to start.
Exporting a MySQL database via phpMyAdmin is now complete.